Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Why Do We Keep Doing This

Good evening everyone! We hope that everyone had a great Halloween, had lots of treats to give out, and enjoyed seeing all the ghosts, goblins, spidermen, and princesses that were out and about.
Now that this holiday is past us, we concentrate on the remainder of the year. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it, and we all need to really reflect on the blessings we have received during this year. And to be especially thankful for all the "non-property" blessings we have...our family and friends. No amount of money can be placed on the people who make your life complete.

We continue to be busy! Still working on the website. One team member has had computer problems, so waiting for him to get it back up and running so he can submit his evidence. And with the amount of investigations we completed in October, have been spending a lot of time doing reviews as well as the investigations themselves. Please bear with us, cause the next update will be a huge one!
Another investigation this week, as well as one the following week. Still working on finalizing some upcoming investigations, which might happen in December if the weather holds...and 2013 stands to be an amazing year for our team.

But as we continue these investigations, we can not discount all the things that are happening in the paranormal world. Seems everywhere you go, people are slamming other teams and individual persons. And for what reason? And with all the negative remarks, why do we, or any team, continue to work in this field? We never charge for our services, so the entire expense of traveling to a location comes from our pockets. We spend hundreds of dollars on equipment, entirely from our pockets. And lets not forget the amount of money we spend on batteries! We don't have sponsors or people who give us equipment to try out...we buy it from the store or from dealers, all with money we make from our jobs. As we have said in the past, we are not in this for the "glory" or "fame" and will never be recognized outside of our own little area.
So why do we continue to spend our hard earned money, spend time away from our family, travel sometimes hundreds of miles, sit in a dark area, sometimes in a cold room, to try to talk to spirits which may or may not be present. Wouldn't it just be easier to be sitting at home on a Saturday night, feet up in the recliner, with a soda in one hand and the remote control to the TV in the other? Bright lights, warm room, and a bathroom a few steps away. Often, this sounds so much better than doing what we do. And no one is going to accuse us of anything when we stay in our own houses and veg out in front of the noise box. So why don't we do this?

We know the answer to this question, but sometimes it takes an event to remind us of the reason we continue to do this job..
We recently investigated a private residence where the homeowners had frequent experiences which frightened them. They have small children who are being scared in their own home. And they wanted some answers. So off we go, again on a Saturday night, miles from our home, to set up in this residence. We placed all of our equipment out, talked to the homeowner, and than went "lights out" to start the investigation. And during the night, we listened to the responses from our Ovilus and our Spirit, how these work is debatable. And we all know you can get words that make no sense to us. But on this night, we listened and we could see the homeowner relate to the words and names that came from the box. And we saw the homeowner become more comfortable with the spirits that seem to exist in the home. And when we left, the homeowner expressed feeling so much more comfortable in the home. Words like "safe" and "happy" made the homeowner feel that whatever was in the home was comfortable there and not harmful. And we left knowing that we did make a difference in this family's life. We are still reviewing the evidence. But whether we capture any EVPs or not, we know that our investigation did help ease the minds of these homeowners. And THAT is why we continue to do this.
So this weekend we will once again leave our warm homes, drive miles away, and spend hours sitting in the dark talking to someone that might not be there. We will spend hours reviewing our recorders and sorting through hundreds of photos that we will take during the night. We will drive back home when we are tired and grab a few hours sleep, to get up and have a normal Sunday with our family. And when we log back online, we will read the comments that persons and teams are making towards other persons and teams..and we know that, even though it is costly to us, we will continue to do what we have a passion to do....because helping is what it is all about.


  1. I have read your post "Why do we doing this" with great interest. My team and I have what you describe as passion for doing this type of work, and we also take hits from those who seem jealous about our work. We have found there are three camps. Those like us who whatever the amount of time, money or effort we will do what it takes to persue our passion of the paranormal. The other camp is filled with Thrill seekers who rarely ask for permission, trespass and make access to important sites difficult the third camp are those who sell themselves are important researchers to the paranormal without getting off their chair and taking the time or effort to do field work, these are the same people who have plenty of time to critisize everyone else's work.
    This seems to be an issue everywhere.

    Always chase your passion.
    The Searcher Group

  2. Thanks for taking the time to read our blog Richard. And yes, we agree with your take on things. There is a huge difference in debating something a team has posted and just digging at that team. If you don't like the way a team works, just leave it alone and walk away. We have worked with some great teams. And than there are the not so great ones..but those comments we keep amongst ourselves and never say in public. One of the hardest parts of this is what, really, makes our investigations easiest..the internet. People are so ready to make comments on the internet that they would never make face-to-face. And maybe people need to think before they hit the send key.
    We wish your team luck and will definitely be keeping up with your activities. Have a great day!
